Thursday 24 July 2014


You know those periods of life when you think things are coming together and then life turns upside down? Just when you think yes! my time to paint, and EVERYTHING stands in your way? That, has been my predicament.
Last night, I got out around 7 pm. or so, and did this piece, on Penny side road, near my house, (WHICH IS FOR SALE-see other recent posts for pics, and info.). I'm not terribly impressed with myself, I think the composition and drawing are passable. The important thing when you have these moments of frustration is to fight and struggle with it by actually just getting out there and trying to put something down. The more you do it, the better your work will become. You must believe and trust in this principle of "Just do it". It's all part of surviving as an artist.
On the upside, this summer has been such a treat for me, from a being outside point of view. What fabulous weather every day. Out here in the Ottawa Valley, everything is lush and abundant. It's hard not to stop and paint all the gorgeous fields and everything, every minute of the day.

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